Thứ Năm, 15 tháng 9, 2011

Thừa Sai Thánh Tâm

Hội Thừa Sai Thánh Tâm (MSC) là một cộng đồng quốc tế của các linh mục tôn giáo và các anh em người tin rằng không có gì là quan trọng hơn là tiết kiệm năng lượng của tình yêu Thiên Chúa. MSC tắt từ tiếng Latinh: Missionarii Sacratissimi tim.
Thánh chúng tôi được thành lập bởi một linh mục trẻ Pháp , Jules Chevalier . Trong quá trình đào tạo chủng viện của mình, ông đã đến một kinh nghiệm sâu sắc và thay đổi cuộc sống của tình yêu Thiên Chúa.
Trong năm 1854, ba mươi tuổi, ông đã tập hợp một nhóm nhỏ các linh mục cùng chí hướng với nhau để hình thành cộng đồng đầu tiên của MSCs dưới sự bảo vệ của Mẹ Maria, người  ông đã đưa ra danh hiệu "Đức Mẹ Thánh Tâm. " 
Logo công ty
Biểu tượng của chúng tôi bao gồm "MSC" các chữ cái và một biểu tượng "trái tim" xung quanh thập giá và kèm theo trong một vòng tròn khung (thế giới). Biểu tượng đại diện cho cộng đoàn tôn giáo của chúng tôi xuất hiện trên bởi tình yêu đã tiết lộ cho chúng ta trong Thánh Tâm (biểu tượng trái tim) đến một thế giới mà bị (thập giá là đau khổ) và được cứu chuộc (thập giá là sự hy sinh) được biểu tượng của thập giá. 
Phương châm hoạt động
"Thánh Tâm Chúa Giêsu 
được yêu thương ở khắp mọi nơi! " 
"... Forever" 

The Society of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart (MSC) is an international community of religious priests and brothers who believe nothing is more important 'than đó the saving power of God's love. The initials come from the Latin MSC: Missionarii Sacratissimi Cordis.
Our Congregation was FRANÇAIS Founded by a young priest, Jules Chevalier . His Seminary During training he had come to a Profound and life-changing experience of God's love.
In 1854, at Thirty years of age, he gathered a small group of like-minded priests together to form the first community of MSCs under the protection of Mary, to whom he Gave the title "Our Lady of the Sacred Heart."
Our Logo
Our logo consists of the letters 'MSC' and a 'heart' symbol set around the Cross framed and enclosed in a circle (the world). The logo Represents our religious Congregation graced by the love Revealed to us in the Sacred Heart (heart symbol) to a world suffers đó (the cross as suffering) and đó is redeemed (the cross as Sacrifice) as symbolized by the cross.
Our Motto

"May the Sacred Heart of Jesus 
be loved everywhere! " 
"... Forever" 
Through her union with Jesus, Mary knows the unsearchable riches of his Heart and wants to lead us to Him, who is the source of a limitless love that gives birth to a new world.
To understand this title, given to Mary in 1859 by the Venerable Father Jules Chevalier, Founder of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart and the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, one should read the text of the title from right to left. The important part of this title is the Sacred Heart of Jesus. He is the centre.
Mary is the mother who offers him to us, who desires that we enter into union with him, who longs to form us as she formed her Son Jesus, so that humanity may discover the tenderness, compassion, mercy, strength, power, fidelity and constancy of the love of God revealed in God's Son. This Marian title is Christocentric.
Through the process of deepening his idea of God and the spirituality of the Heart, Father Chevalier gradually discovered the place of Mary in his life. Even though at first, as a child of his time, he centred his attention on the power of Mary's intercession, little by little he began to focus on the relations existing between Mary and the Trinity, between Mary and her Son, between Mary and us. In pointing to the Heart of her Son, Mary reminds us of the profound and intimate union and relationship that she had with him.
Through her union with him, she knows the inexhaustible riches of his Heart and wants to lead us to him, who is the source of a limitless love that gives birth to a new world. She is the associate in the mystery of his Heart and she encourages us to work in her Son’s mission for the good of humanity. Mary is close to a world in need and shares in her Son's solicitude for the world. Her song of praise (Lk: 1,46-55), the story of the wedding feast at Cana (Jn: 2,1-11) and her standing at the foot of the cross accompanying the sufferings of her Son on our behalf (Jn: 19,25-37) are significant proofs of her preoccupation with suffering humanity.

Mary, mother of Jesus

Father Jules Chevalier’s 
concern was motivated by an attitude of thankfulness: "The little Society of the Sacred Heart is not the work of man but of God! It came to birth in the Sacred Heart of Jesus under the powerful protection of Mary".  Father Chevalier recalls how he and his companion, Father Maugenest, took refuge in Mary at the beginning of our Society’s foundation: "This is your cause and it is up to you to save it; stay with us to the end and show that you are the true founder of this work". In the contract that our two first priests made with Mary, they point out that "in gratitude to Mary, they will consider her as their Foundress and Sovereign. They will ally themselves with her in all their works and make her loved in a special way". This thankfulness became a motive for confidence: "We believe that we can affirm with total confidence that Our Lady of the Sacred Heart will never cease to protect our Society if we are faithful to her".
This Marian invocation has been extraordinarily well received by the faithful. One sign of such acceptance must surely be the extensive inculturation of the image of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart in so many different countries throughout the world.
Prayer to Our Lady of the Sacred Heart
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart,
the great things the Lord has done for you.
He chose you for his Mother.
He wanted you close to his cross.
He gives you a share in his glory.
He listens to your prayer.
Offer him our prayers of praise and thanksgiving;
present our petitions to him.
Let us live like you
in the love of your Son that his Kingdom may come.
Lead all men
to the source of living water
that flows from his heart,
spreading over the world
hope and salvation justice and peace.
See our trust in you;
answer our prayer.
Show yourself always our Mother.

The Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus  is a religious congregation founded in Germany on March 25, 1900 by Fr. Hubert Linckens, MSC. He gave it the name, charism and spirituality of his own congregation whose founder was Fr. Jules Chevalier.
In a time of religious indifference and individualism, as well as discrimination of the poor and marginalized, Fr. Chevalier discovered in the Heart of Christ the gratuitous and compassionate love of God for humankind. He believed that this love is a "remedy" for the evils of the time. Motivated by his experience of God and a world in need, Chevalier felt urged to make this LOVE known to all people. He expressed this in our motto: "May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be loved everywhere".
Fr. Linckens, filled with the charism and spirituality of Fr. Chevalier, and in response to a call to evangelize Papua New Guinea, put our congregation at the service of the Church and the world.

The congregation was from its very beginning motivated by a missionary spirit for a mission "without limits", open to respond to the challenges and needs of the time and place in whatever ministry, with a preferential option for the poor and excluded.
MSC Sister accompanying the little ones to the crèche
Today the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus are present in 17 countries on all continents: Australia, China, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Germany, Guatemala, India, Italy, Korea, Mexico, Namibia, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Rumania, Spain, and the United States.

HIV / AIDS is one of the biggest challenges in Namibia and the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart (MSC) are involved in different ways in combating and in the prevention of it in the country.  AIDS sufferers and those who are affected by AIDS are victims of the new leprosy of our time. Their sad lot led the MSC Sisters to be involved in preparing the families to relate in a better way to their sick ones, to embrace them as members of the family and to stand by them to the end of their lives.  This is not an easy matter since the people are thinking that having or being affected by AIDS is degrading the good reputation or the status of the family.

The MSC Sisters have been operating Sacred Heart Hospice, the only hospice in the country for terminally ill patients since 1996.  Part of this health facility is used for the AIDS patients, especially those who are in their last stage of their lives, those patients who are not accepted in their families and those whose families are unable to take care of them. Patients suffering from AIDS are usually still young and the emotion of denial is very strong in them.  How painful it is to prepare a young person facing death.  Therefore, our Sisters are trying to give their love, their caring, and their compassion to the sick in their agony, and help them to die with dignity.  Generous volunteers, who have been trained by the MSC Sisters for this, are doing a great service by visiting the sick in their families, giving advice and offering practical help.
Children attending school run by MSC Sisters.
The Catholic Church in Namibia has developed a programme in prevention of AIDS. Some of our Sisters are working in this project of “Catholic AIDS Action”. This programme is doing great work in “Home Based Education” that is bringing information to the families, to the youth in the villages and preparing the families how to care for their sick ones in their homes. Youth and teenagers are given education in sexual behaviour.
One of our Sisters, a nurse by profession, is running a ‘Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy’ (HAART) programme of the AIDS patients. It is also a project supported by the Catholic Church. Our Sister is assigned for the care, counselling, taking blood specimens for tests, education, and dispensing medicine for HIV / AIDS sufferers in the south of Namibia.
Wherever our Sisters are, they are involved in taking care of the many orphans. Although some orphans are affected, but not yet sick, some treatment needs to be given to them since they are still living with their families. The MSC Sisters are providing education for them, food and clothing to the whole family, and they supervise their well-being while at home.
Counseling in this field is considered very important, since some families are still suffering from the traumas of war and torture. And when life becomes a burden for them, suicide is often the answer to their problems.
So, working in the field of AIDS has many challenging factors and they cannot ignore these. They are called to be God’s Heart in our world. Our Lord himself came into this world because He has a Heart for all people and today He uses us to make His Heart visible for those who are suffering from AIDS.

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